I. Call to Order/Verify Quorum
II. Approve Minutes from Prior Meeting - November 18, 2021
III. President Report
IV. Committee Reports
a. Finance Committee - John Ritter
b. Gate Committee - Steve Jenson
Status of Flag Replacement; Exit gate repairs recently preformed by TEM; search for local sources for maintenance contract; sources for bidding gate replacement and/or gate operator/controls replacement
c. Boardwalk Committee - Marge Leahy
Gulf Shores proposal to remove rust stains on upper boardwalk; status of light sensor repairs for Phase I & II
d. Seawall Committee - Jim O’Sullivan
e. Surface Water Committee - Jim O’Sullivan
f. Community Room Committee - Elaine Johnson
Competitive bid for stringing WiFi cable
g. Caper Club - Karen Salerno
V. Unfinished Business
a. Digital & Printed Directories
Status of owner data update and verification; establish required number of printed copies; status of placing order for printing and expected delivery
VI. New Business
VII Schedule Next Meeting
VIII Community Updates
IX. Board Comments
X. Owner Comments
XI. Adjournment
2021-2022 Board of Directors
President - Jim O’Sullivan, BWC-VI Vice President - Marge Leahy, BWC-V
Secretary/Treasurer - John Ritter, BWC IV Director - Elaine Johnson, BWC Condo
Director - Steve Jenson, BWC III